Orange Goes Red, Red Stays Orange!
In the world of Topsy Turvey Canadian politics – anything can happen. This weekend anything did happen. The NDP decided to sell out their pop-smoking hippie environmentalist roots and take a distinctive move to the centre by electing Thomas Mulcair as their new leader. Meanwhile, the Liberals are being led by an Orange bafoon who is leading the Liberal party into the abyss of legalizing recreational drugs and even more spending for the sake of spending. Yea – that’s right – Bob Rae is full of magical ideas on how to burn tax payers money. Oh yea – and he’s a smug prick member of the intelligentsia to boot.
While Rae poses no real threat to the Conservative Party, Mulcair does. Conservatives would be wise to deal with Mulcair swiftly and handily lest he woos disenchanted centerists slightly to the left of centre.